Submission Deadline

The deadline for submission of abstracts by the Scientific Committee of the Congress was determined on May31,2022.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts will be sent “online” via the congress website under the headings of oral presentations and poster presentations. The scientific committee has the right to make decisions about changing the presentations as oral or electronic poster presentations.
The total number of words in the abstracts (except for references, tables and pictures) should not exceed 3500 characters.
All title of abstracts should be in both Turkish and English.
Ethics committee approval must be specified in the abstracts of the original research papers (only for research papers and with the ethical committee acceptance number). The sections related to the conflict of interest and the approval of the ethics committee should be answered during the submission of the abstract.
Oral abstracts cover only original studies and these abstracts should be organized as ”Introduction and Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion“ (Case reports and abstracts should not be submitted in oral presentation).
Electronic poster abstracts will be accepted in a subject category with original research, case presentation and pictures.
Original research poster abstracts should be organized as “Introduction and Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion”, case reports should be organized as “Introduction and Purpose, Case Reports, Discussion and Conclusion”, abstracts with pictures should be organized as “Introduction and Purpose, Cases, Discussion and Results” should be organized.
In all abstracts, references should be given in the section indicated in the submission system. References should be cited in the text.
At least 3 maximum 10 pictures (and / or tables) with descriptive characteristics should be uploaded to the system. Uploaded pictures should not be included patients, hospital-department information, and the pictures should be named as ‘a, b, c’ etc. Findings on the pictures should be marked with ‘arrow, arrowhead etc.’ Illustrations and tables should be cited in the abstracts. Members of judge in the evaluation jury will make an evaluation based on these criteria when making a decision of acceptance or rejection. In cases where no picture or table is required in abstracts, the author should indicate this situation in the related field of the submission system.
When the abstracts are uploaded to the system, the keywords will be added by finding the appropriate keyword from the word index in the relevant topic (Medical Subject Headings -MeSH).

Evaluation of Abstacts and Report the Results

For the congress in 2022 after the referees’ revision proposals are answered by the authors, the abstracts will be accepted to be presented at the congress. Abstracts that is not be corrected as a result of revision proposals will not be accepted. While the abstracts are entered into the system, the consent part regarding the revision of the abstract should be answered.
After the evaluation of the abstracts by the referees is completed, whether the abstracts are accepted or not will be notified by e-mail.

Important Notice Regarding Accepted Abstracts

Full text of the papers whose abstracts are accepted must be uploaded to the system until September 15, 2022. Invitation letter will be sent by e-mail again to the author as a notification if full text of the abstract has not been uploaded to the system with a proper format or if it has not been uploaded.
If the accepted abstracts have not been uploaded as full text to the system within the specified period, they will not be included in the CD’s of the congress. It is important for the authors to make a preliminary preparation in order to prevent loss of their rights.

Important Notice Regarding Registration of the Congress for the Authors

Authors who submitted the oral presentation and at least one of the authors who submitted the electronic poster presentation should be registered until September 15, 2022. Abstracts of the authors who have not registered before the date (in accordance with the decision of TRD Executive Board) will not be included in the congress abstracts CD.